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As we age, our likelihood of mental incapacity increases. After all, our bodies and minds deteriorate as we age. Mental incapacity could result from dementia, stroke, brain injury, or other illness. What is mental incapacity and in what ways can you plan to be best prepared for it?
What is Elder Law?There are many areas of law an attorney can focus on — litigation, bankruptcy law, criminal law, real estate law, environmental law, health care law — the list seems endless.
Some areas of law are probably familiar to you, such as family law. You know that if you need a divorce or have a child custody issue, you should contact a family law attorney. But there are some areas that remain a mystery, for both the layperson and attorneys alike. Elder law is one such area. It is lesser known; you might not have heard of an elder law attorney until you need one. Medicare and Medicaid are two different government programs for healthcare. It is important to understand the difference between them. Here, we will discuss how the program benefits differ, how eligibility for each program is established, and discuss some recent news pertaining to each program.
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